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Namaste ...

Welcome to Bliss Energy, so glad you are here!

I am Tatjana Kohlieber, I am a recognized Reiki Master and Emotion Code Practitioner. I am also certified and specialize in Quantum Hypnosis and Behavioral Focused Hypnosis.


I started my Reiki journey over 30 years ago thanks to my mom who is also a Master Reiki Practitioner, I have been connected to Reiki Energy work my whole life and have seen the wonderful benefits of energy healing through myself, family and clients. I became a Reiki Master in 2009 and have been practicing ever since. I am fascinated by the body's ability to heal itself when provided the right circumstances. Reiki Energy is one way to do that. In 2021, I became certified in General and Quantum Hypnosis, which are a perfect complement to Energy Healing as they both allow for emotional, energetic, mental and physical improvements. I am heavily influenced by Dolores Cannon, Louise Hay, and Everette Rose who specialize in Energy and Holistic Healing practices.

Tatjana Kohlieber

My Mission

My passion for this work is fueled by the amazing healing results that my clients receive, and how their healing is integrated into their daily life.  This leads to richer personal connections in your life and a deeper connection to spirit.  I offer services that align and honor the body's energy, emotional, and physical balance. Through the art of Reiki, Emotion Code, Hypnosis and clean supplements, we work together to build a customized healing plan based on individual needs. 

Colorful Crystal


The Bliss Energy promise is to meet the individual where they are in their healing journey and provide a customized treatment plan that connects each individual to their true BLISS. 


To assist individuals in their desire to release unhealed trauma and emotional blocks, bring balance to the body's energy systems and provide a connection to living your true BLISS. We offer services that align and honor the body's energy, emotional, and physical balance. 

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